Gitar klasik, juga dikenal sebagai gitar nylon string "" - adalah instrumen string dipetik dari keluarga instrumen disebut chordophones . It typically has 6 nylon strings (the 3 bass-strings additionally being wound with a thin metal thread). Hal ini biasanya memiliki string nilon 6 (3 bass-string tambahan yang luka dengan benang logam tipis). The classical guitar is well known for its comprehensive fingerpicking technique, which enables the solo rendition of melody, multi-voiced harmony and polyphony (in much the same manner as the piano can). Gitar klasik terkenal untuk teknik fingerpicking komprehensif, yang memungkinkan rendition solo melodi, harmoni multi-bersuara dan polifoni (dalam banyak cara yang sama seperti piano bisa).more
The classical guitar is characterized by: Gitar klasik dicirikan oleh:
- its strings — today primarily nylon; the bass-strings additionally being wound with a thin metal thread (guitar strings were traditionally made of gut rather than nylon - gut strings are still available today [ 1 ] ) nya string - hari ini terutama nilon; bass-string tambahan yang luka dengan benang logam tipis (senar gitar secara tradisional terbuat dari usus daripada nilon - string usus masih tersedia saat ini [1] )
- the instrumental technique — the individual strings are usually plucked with the fingers or the fingernails — plectra are rarely used teknik instrumental - tali individu biasanya dipetik dengan jari atau kuku - plectra jarang digunakan
- its historic repertoire, though this is of lesser importance, since any repertoire can be (and is) played on the classical guitar (additionally: classical guitarists are known to borrow from the repertoires of a wide variety of instruments) repertoar bersejarah, meskipun ini adalah kurang penting, karena repertoar apapun dapat (dan) dimainkan pada gitar klasik (tambahan: gitaris klasik diketahui meminjam dari repertoar dari berbagai instrumen)
- its shape, construction and material — modern classical guitar shape, or historic classical guitar shapes (eg early romantic guitars from France and Italy). bentuk, konstruksi dan bahan - bentuk modern gitar klasik, atau bentuk gitar klasik bersejarah (misalnya gitar romantis awal dari Perancis dan Italia). A guitar family tree can be identified [ 2 ] . Sebuah pohon keluarga gitar dapat diidentifikasi [2] . (The flamenco guitar is derived from the modern classical, but has differences in material, construction and sound [ 3 ] [ 4 ] .) (The gitar flamenco berasal dari klasik modern, namun memiliki perbedaan di bahan, konstruksi dan suara [3] [4] .)
The name classical guitar does not mean that only classical repertoire is performed on it, although classical music is a part of the instrument's core repertoire (due to the guitar's long history); instead all kinds of music (folk, alternative, jazz, flamenco, etc.) can be and are performed on it. Nama gitar klasik tidak berarti bahwa hanya lagu-lagu klasik dilakukan di atasnya, walaupun musik klasik adalah bagian dari inti lagu-lagu instrumen tersebut (karena panjang sejarah gitar), melainkan semua jenis musik (rakyat, alternatif, jazz, flamenco, dsb) dapat dan dilakukan di atasnya.
The term modern classical guitar is sometimes used to distinguish the classical guitar from older forms of guitar, that are in their broadest sense also called classical , or more descriptively: early guitars . Gitar klasik modern istilah kadang-kadang digunakan untuk membedakan gitar klasik dari bentuk-bentuk yang lebih tua dari gitar, yang dalam arti luas mereka juga disebut klasik, atau lebih deskriptif: gitar awal. Examples of early guitars include the 6-string early romantic guitar (ca. 1790 - 1880), and the earlier baroque guitars with 5 courses . Contoh gitar awal termasuk awal-string gitar romantis 6 (ca. 1790-1880), dan gitar barok sebelumnya dengan 5 program .
Today's modern classical guitar is regarded as having been established from the late designs of the nineteenth century Spanish luthier Antonio Torres Jurado . gitar klasik modern Hari ini dianggap sebagai telah ditetapkan dari desain akhir abad kesembilan belas luthier Spanyol Antonio Torres Jurado . Hence the modern classical guitar is sometimes called the "Spanish guitar". Karena itu gitar klasik modern kadang-kadang disebut gitar "Spanyol".
Today the classical guitar is a popular instrument: there exist classical guitar festivals (participant reviews [ 5 ] , photos [ 6 ] ) and summer-schools (documentary video [ 7 ] ), as well as classical guitar competitions . Hari ini gitar klasik adalah instrumen yang populer: di sana ada festival gitar klasik (ulasan peserta [5] , foto [6] ) dan musim panas-sekolah (dokumenter video [7] ), serta kompetisi gitar klasik .
The modern classical guitar is usually played in a seated position, with the instrument resting on the left lap - the left foot is usually placed on a footstool. Gitar klasik modern biasanya dimainkan dalam posisi duduk, dengan instrumen beristirahat di pangkuan kiri - kaki kiri biasanya ditempatkan pada sebuah bangku kecil. Alternatively - if a footstool is not used - a guitar support can be placed between the guitar and the left lap (the support usually attaches to the instrument's side with suction cups ). Atau - jika dingklik tidak digunakan - dukungan gitar dapat ditempatkan antara gitar dan putaran kiri (dukungan biasanya menempel pada instrumen yang samping dengan cangkir isap ). (There are of course exceptions, with some performers choosing to hold the instrument another way.) (Ada pengecualian tentu saja, dengan beberapa pemain memilih untuk terus instrumen cara lain.)
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