

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

efek samping pijat tradisional

saat badan kita capek sesaat pulang kerja memang enaknya datang ke tukang pijat. dan pijat tentunya dengan begitu badan kita kembali bugar kembali, tidurpun jadi nyenyak. tapi taukah anda efec samping dari pijat ataupun pijat tradisional.
pijat tradisional bisa mengakibatkan candu pada diri anda karena sering pijat, karena seringnya pijat tubuh kita akan terbiasa dengan enaknya di pijat dan akan jadi tidak enak ketika anda tidak di pijat lagi beberapa hari.
pijat adalah melonggarkan otot-otot yang kencang setelah lelah bekerja atau mengembalikan urat - urat yang tidak pada tempatnya.
saya setiap hari memijat pasien dan banyak pasien (mengatakan) seringnya di pijat membuat otot - otot saya tidak kencang lagi dan malah menyandu, saya seorang kuli bangunan otot - otot saya sering di buat kerja keras dan setiap 3 hari sekali setelah bekerja selalu mintak pijat jika tida di pijat tubuh serasa tak enak dan berat.

manfaat ES Degaan


Pada posting kali ini saya akan membahas manfaat es degan....... es kelapa muda atau yang akrap di sebut es degan ini kerap kita temui di pinggiran jalan selain harganya murah dan sangat terjangkau es degan juga menyimpan banyak manfaat. Endosperma buah kelapa yang berupa cairan serta endapannya yang melekat di dinding dalam batok adalah sumber penyegar yang sangat populer. Daging buah muda berwarna putih dan lunak serta biasa disajikan sebagai es kelapa muda atau es degan. Cairan ini mengandung beraneka enzim dan memilki khasiat penetral racun dan efek penyegar/penenang. Beberapa kelapa bermutasi sehingga endapannya tidak melekat pada dinding batok melainkan tercampur dengan cairan endosperma. Pak Ali pedagang es degan (mengatakan) degan atau kelapa muda bisa membangkitkan stamina atau gairah sexsual pria ataupun wanita, untuk pria bisa mengembalikan mani yang encer dan mengembalikan stamina tubuh. degan atau kelapa muda bisa menggantikan ion dalam tubuh yang telah terkuras setelah beraktifitas.

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

vuvuzela ban after complaints

Danny Jordaan, South Africa’s World Cup organising chief, has said that vuvuzelas may be banned from inside stadiums after a number of complaints from broadcasters and supporters.

The almost constant sound of the horn-like instrument has so far overpowered much of the usual singing and atmosphere usually generated during games.

When asked by BBC Sport whether they would be banned, Jordaan said that it was a possibility.

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010


Also told that Leak can be a [[head]] human with organs that are still hanging in the head. Leak said to be flying to search for a pregnant woman, for then the blood sucking [[baby]] that are still in the womb. There are three famous leak. Two of them [[women]] and a [[man]].
According to the trust [[tribe Bali | Balinese]], Leak was a human being who practice bad magic and in need of blood [[embryo]] in order to live. It also said that Leak can turn into pig or [[ball]] [[fire]], whereas the actual shape Leyak have [[tongue]] long and [[tooth]] sharp. Some people say that the magic Leak works only in [[island]] [[Bali]], so that Leak is found only in Bali. If someone stabbed Leak from under the neck to the head when the head separated from his body, then Leak can not be reunited with his body. If the head is separated at a certain time period, then Leak will die. [[Mask]] leak with sharp teeth and long tongue that is also sometimes used as home decoration.

History of Wayang Kulit

Wayang is a generic term denoting traditional theatre in [[Indonesia]]. There is no evidence that wayang existed before [[Hinduism]] came to [[Southeast Asia]] sometime in the first century CE brought in by Indian traders. However, there very well may have been indigenous storytelling traditions that had a profound impact on the development of the traditional puppet theatre. The first record of a wayang performance is from an inscription dated 930 CE which says ''"si Galigi mawayang,"'' or "Sir Galigi played wayang". From that time till today it seems certain features of traditional puppet theatre have remained. Galigi was an itinerant performer who was requested to perform for a special royal occasion. At that event he performed a story about the hero Bhima from the [[Mahabharata]]



Judgement must occur
Only God alone Who Know
But there are seven signs that we can know.

Doomsday is the day described as the destruction of all nature and the earth and the resurrection of the original. Judgement comes from the Arabic words that mean specifically قيام rise or wake. All religions seem to tell the coming of the Apocalypse with various ancamanya. During the Judgement has not yet occurred during the same living creatures can dwell on the earth in safety. Although there are people who deny the coming of Judgement, but Judgement will certainly happen (Sura Al-Hajj 22:7).

When people ask when the apocalypse will happen? then no one is going to be able to answer them. Only God alone is the Most Knowing the coming event. Judgement will not come but all of a sudden (Qur'an 7:187). Lots of circles trying to tell the coming of Judgement is yet not a few who doubt the proposed data because it is the knowledge of Judgement God only All Understood.